How it works

We collaborate with you to improve, transform or automate your operations and optimize key capabilities and value streams to achieve desired business outcomes.

A seamless 9 step process from Start up
Application to Results!

1. Application

Start up applies for strategic intervention

2. Approval

The associated innovators syndicate approves it basis the pitch deck and/or a pitch call with the founders

3. Opt in

Those interested in the syndicate opt in to be a part of the intervention and associate for the same.

4. Syndicate

One of the Associated Innovators may opt to take lead or they may do so collectively. Mostly between two to four of the syndicate would opt for a single start up opportunity.

5. Deal

The deal of equity, revenue and other areas are decided and fixed.

6. Due Diligence

Due diligence process

7. Strategic Intervention

The process of strategic intervention in the start up begins with the syndicate. A dedicated account manager is assigned to the 'opportunity' and the process of meetings, customer access and network coordination starts.

8. Follow up

Follow up by the account manager regarding deliverables and points discussed.

9. Metrics Achieved

Key metrics achieved by the intervention.

There's no better
way of understanding
your needs

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talk business?

Get in touch with our representatives and start your journey on expanding your company and making your business better, more agile and profitable.